City of River Falls Receives Family Friendly Workplaces Certification

City of River Falls Receives Family Friendly Workplaces Certification
River Falls, Wisc. – On Wednesday, Dec. 6, Woodville-based Family Friendly Workplaces announced the certification of the City of River Falls as a Family Friendly Workplace. The City received the recognition for its commitment to fostering a work environment that supports the diverse needs of families.
With this certification, the City of River Falls joins a select and growing group of 36 employers in western and northwestern Wisconsin recognized for their outstanding benefits and proactive approaches to workforce challenges.
“Being recognized as a Family Friendly Workplace highlights that progress is at the heart of what we do at the City of River Falls,” Scot Simpson, city administrator, said. “We are proud to be among the regional employers supporting the employees who serve our community every day.”
The Family Friendly Workplaces certification process involved a detailed evaluation of the City of River Falls' human resources policies and practices. Neil Kline, executive director, said the City’s benefits package and policy on flexible work arrangements helped it garner the recognition.
"The City of River Falls’ commitment to family-friendly policies aligns with our mission to strengthen families and strategically address the workforce shortage in western Wisconsin,” Kline said. “We are thrilled to welcome them into the family."
The City’s Be Well program, adopted in 2022, played a significant role in the certification. Be Well provides employees the opportunity to take extended paid leave for several qualifying events, including childbirth or adoption, caring for a family member, and medical leave.
All employees receive 40 hours of Be Well leave at the date of hire, which can be used for any qualifying event. Employees who welcome new additions to their families via childbirth or adoption receive 160 hours, or four weeks, of additional paid parental leave. Up to 120 unused paid time off (PTO) hours may be rolled into employees’ Be Well accounts.
“We created the Be Well program to allow our staff to prioritize the wellbeing of themselves and their families without the added concerns of income and job stability,” Karen Bergstrom, human resources director, said. “Making these big life events just a little easier is a way that we can truly put people first at the City.”
For more information about Family Friendly Workplaces and its certification program, visit
Photo: City of River Falls staff members pose with Neil Kline, executive director of Family Friendly Workplaces, to celebrate the City’s certification as a Family Friendly Workplace. Left to right: Jennifer Smith, Scot Simpson, Neil Kline, Sara Kasel, Karen Bergstrom.