JA Counter Announces Corporate Sponsorship of Family Friendly Workplaces, Inc.

JA Counter Announces Corporate Sponsorship of Family Friendly Workplaces, Inc.
Partnership Seeks to Continuously Improve St. Croix Valley for Families
Re-posting of JA Counter Press Release
New Richmond, WI (May 11, 2021)—JA Counter, an Alera Group company, is pleased to announce that is has become a Corporate Sponsor for Family Friendly Workplaces (FFW), Inc. (a Wisconsin 501C3 nonprofit).
The driving mission of Family Friendly Workplaces, Inc. is for the St Croix Valley to be the best place to raise a family in the United States. They achieve this goal this by helping companies understand how they can become more family friendly, and by facilitating contributions to local nonprofit organizations that support families. They also have a Family Friendly Workplace Certification Program that can help employers differentiate themselves from other organizations. This acts to help employers recruit and retain employees, which is a major challenge for companies today.
“Family Friendly Workplaces, as the name implies, has a mission that is a part of our DNA and something that we are very supportive of,” said Linda Skoglund, JA Counter’s Managing Partner. “Every so often we see an opportunity to collaborate with another organization that can help support the families, employers and communities in our region, and further extend the impact that we have on the success of our clients and their neighbors. It is for this reason that we have become a Corporate Sponsor for Family Friendly Workplaces, Inc.”
JA Counter is the first choice for employers and individuals seeking to maximize their financial and personal wellbeing. JA Counter achieves this through providing timely, relevant guidance and resources to employers throughout the Midwest. Successful families, workforce development, economic development, and thriving communities are all outcomes of the work that JA Counter does daily.
“We appreciate JA Counter’s participation and guidance in the development of our programs and certification criteria,” said Neil Kline, FFW’s Chief Evangelist.
Mark Tyler, FFW’s Lead Volunteer, thanked JA Counter for their advice and consultation and commented that having the leading HR and benefits organization supportive of FFW’s efforts is incredibly valuable. “They bring energy and expertise that will help our organization and the employers we serve, and that will result in successful employers and families.”
About JA Counter, an Alera Group Company
The culture at JA Counter thrives on innovative thinking and constant collaboration while maintaining strong local relationships. JA Counter provides exceptional service to our clients through innovative, customized solutions, education, knowledge, and resources delivered with integrity and professionalism. Learn more at jacounter.aleragroup.com.
About Family Friendly Workplaces
Family Friendly Workplaces works to expand and accelerate awareness of, and build a sustainable funding model to support, Family Friendly Workplaces and Family Friendly practices by certifying businesses, advocating for the adoption of Family-Friendly practices, and increasing resources for Family-supporting organizations. Learn more at www.familyfriendlyworkplaces.org.