MacDonald and Owen First Certified Family Friendly Workplace in Luck

MacDonald and Owen First Certified Family Friendly Workplace in Luck
Sets Example for Other Employers
Luck, Wisconsin - Family Friendly Workplaces announced today that MacDonald & Owen has been certified as a Family Friendly Workplace. This certification recognizes MacDonald & Owen's commitment to their employees and their families.
"Certification as a family-friendly workplace was a natural fit for MacDonald & Owen," said Kristine Wilson, Chief People Officer of MacDonald & Owen. "We believe that our employees are our most important asset, and we are committed to creating a workplace that supports their families and their well-being."
To be certified, Family Friendly Workplaces conducted a thorough review of MacDonald & Owen's human resources policies and practices, awarding points in their matrix for policies and practices which support families and children. As a certified employer, MacDonald & Owen can use the Family Friendly Workplaces logo in their marketing and recruitment efforts, as well as access a wide-range of additional resources.
"MacDonald and Owen’s certification signals their commitment to their employees and their families," said Neil Kline, Executive Director of Family Friendly Workplaces. "We are excited to welcome them to the family!"
As part of their certification, MacDonald & Owen committed to annually contributing to a nonprofit that supports families. This year, they split their donation and routed it to United Way St. Croix Valley and Kinship of Polk County through the Family Friendly Workplaces Conduit.
Western and northwestern Wisconsin face a long-term human resources challenge which demands a strategic approach to address. The Family Friendly Workplaces Certification Program is designed to help employers compete for talent today, while also strategically addressing this long-term problem.
"We are excited to see MacDonald & Owen join the growing number of employers who are committed to creating family-friendly workplaces," said Kline. "We believe that this certification will help them attract and retain top talent, and ultimately, strengthen their business."
If you have questions about Family Friendly Workplaces and their Certification Program, please reach out on their website,
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Family Friendly Workplaces works to address western Wisconsin's workforce shortage, and strengthen western Wisconsin families, by certifying businesses as Family Friendly, and encouraging the adoption of Family Friendly practices. For more information, visit or follow them on Facebook at